Dr. Darrell Roe, assistant professor of communication at Eastern New Mexico University, was named the Broadcast Education Association District 5 Representative for New Mexico.
The Broadcast Education Association is a national organization made up of faculty members who teach electronic and digital media courses, including television and radio production, announcing, editing and courses on the effects of broadcasting and electronic media. The organization holds regional conventions and an annual national convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, where members and students show their production work and present research.

Dr. Roe encourages students to get involved with the Broadcast Education Association because it is "very good for their resumes, whether they plan on furthering their education in grad school or entering the job field to work in broadcasting."
His term as the sole New Mexico representative on the steering committee starts immediately and will last for one year. He will be working with Dr. Glenda Balas, a professor of communication at UNT-Dallas. Dr. Balas, a former ENMU student and employee at KENW-TV, oversees the steering committee.
Dr. Roe looks forward to "representing ENMU and higher education in the field of broadcast communication for the state of New Mexico."
In addition to the Broadcast Education Association, Dr. Roe is a member of the Southern States Communication Association. "I have participated in their activities since 2006, including division leadership, reviewing paper submissions and presenting my own research on panels," he said.
The ENMU professor is from McGregor, a small town of about 5,000 in central Texas. His mother worked as a professional secretary, and his father was a long-time computer operator at Baylor University.
He earned a bachelor's degree in radio and television broadcasting and German in 1986 and a master's degree in communication studies in 1988, both from Baylor University. He received a Ph.D. in mass communication from the University of Georgia in 1998.
He has been teaching in higher education since 1989. He has taught at Cameron University, Sam Houston State University, Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York, Texas A&M University and East Texas Baptist University.
Dr. Roe began teaching at ENMU in August 2016. "I am working toward tenure in this position and hopefully an increase in rank to associate professor," he said.
"I enjoy working with—and working for—such wonderful people. My Communication Department colleagues are some of the most knowledgeable and experienced in the business, and they are also some of the nicest and most generous people I've ever worked with. Our department chair, Dr. Patricia Dobson, is so helpful and gives us great opportunities to succeed, along with great encouragement."

His favorite thing about ENMU is that "everyone, from students to faculty to administrators, is friendly and fantastic to work with. There is a very positive and supportive atmosphere here from the top down, from President Dr. Jeff Elwell and Vice President Dr. Jamie Laurenz to our new dean, Dr. Jeff Gentry, who works so hard for us and with us to make everything flow smoothly and effectively. I am truly blessed to be here and to be part of this wonderful academic and work environment."
Dr. Roe lives in Portales, New Mexico, with his mother and two dogs.
"The oldest dog is a 14 ½-year-old tri-colored male Jack Russell terrier named Toby. He is feisty and sometimes ornery, and he thinks he is the boss of the house. But he has been a wonderful doggie," explained Dr. Roe.
"The younger dog is a three-year-old female black Lab mix named Kimber who is gentle and affectionate, but she has also learned some of Toby's fussiness and barking at people. Still, she is faithful and eager to please and insists on having her belly scratched every morning. They make an interesting duo! She is 80 pounds, and Toby is 20 pounds, but he still thinks she is his pet. And sometimes he likes to 'put the dog out' and makes us put her outside."
When asked about his role models and people who influence him, Dr. Roe explained that he believes "Jesus is 'the way, the truth, and the life.' The only way our passage through this world can be fulfilling is if we have a relationship with Him. Otherwise, nothing we do or accomplish will bring us lasting joy."
He said that his mother has always been a "bright, shining light of positive influence in my life, in my education and in making key decisions. She is brilliant and well-educated but also has the highest compassion and eagerness to help others. She is an inspiring example!"
Dr. Roe is a member of the Portales Rotary Club, where he helps the community with programs like "Meals on Wheels" and the community food distribution at Central Christian Church. The group also picks up trash on Highway 70 north of Portales.
He is also very involved in his church and in ministering to people at the nursing home.