Bachelor of Science in Communicative Disorders

Free application; rolling admission with five different start times throughout the year.

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Program Details

Our degree in communicative disorders (CDIS) prepares you for exciting careers in speech-language pathology. If you become a certified speech-language pathologist you will work with a wide variety of clients to address a broad spectrum of communication difficulties. This may include clients ranging from infants to senior citizens, who have language, articulation, fluency, voice, swallowing and hearing disorders. In addition, speech pathologists work in a variety of settings such as schools, private clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, state agencies and private practice. A degree in communicative disorders may lead to careers in speech science, deaf education or other related areas.

Our undergraduate communicative disorders program provides pre-professional instruction in normal and disordered processes of speech, language and hearing. It prepares you for a master's program, and eventual certification and licensure in speech-language pathology.

A Bachelor of Science in Communicative Disorders does not guarantee you entrance into a graduate program, either at ENMU or elsewhere. We encourage you to maintain high levels of academic performance as an undergraduate to increase your chances of acceptance into a graduate program.

Application for This 100% Online Program

Learning Format for Communicative Disorders Coursework

Our communicative disorders degree is designed to be completed online. You’ll be completing assignments, readings, labs, tests and projects throughout the semester. Recorded lectures via Panopto will connect you with professors and other students on your own time. This program is also offered as in-person degree on the ENMU-Portales campus.

Advising for Communicative Disorders Majors

We know college can be complicated and to stay on track, you might need some help. In the Communicative Disorders Program we offer advising via phone and email (or meeting during office hours if you are an on-campus student) to help you make smart decisions about your coursework and classes you’re taking.

Communicative Disorders Resources and Academic Help

We want to make sure you get the support you need. We offer flexible tutoring services, including the ENMU Writing Center which is available to help you improve your writing and help you clearly communicate for written, school-related projects and assignments.

We also have online databases, journal article, and eBooks accessible through the Golden Student Success Center (GSSC). ENMU librarians are available virtually, via phone and email to provide assistance, so you'll always have the help you need to take advantage of library resources.

See our distance learning library services

If you end up struggling with your coursework, we also have graduate assistants available for tutoring.

Tuition and Scholarship Information for CDIS Majors

If you are an out-of-state CDIS leveling student or a CDIS student seeking a second bachelor's degree, you will be billed at the discounted rate of $275 per credit hour (this price includes tuition, fees and online course fees).

When it comes to financing your education, ENMU is here to help! Over 70% of our students receive some sort of financial assistance, and we can help you find out if you qualify for any grants, loans or scholarships.

If you are majoring in CDIS, there are also two additional scholarships for which you can apply: the Roger and Millie Pattison Scholarship Fund for the Speech and Hearing Clinic; or if you have completed 12 hours of CDIS courses, the Ike and Joy Stevenson Scholarship for CDIS Students.

View Scholarship Information

Career Opportunities in Communicative Disorders

A bachelor's degree in CDIS will prepare you for advanced study. A master's degree in CDIS will prepare you to work as a speech-language pathologists or audiologist. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists treat a diverse client base in:

  • Schools
  • Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Private practice
  • State agencies

Additional CDIS Degree Information

ENMU CDIS undergraduate courses can be used for three purposes:

  • To fulfill undergraduate requirements for the Bachelor of Science in CDIS (first or second bachelor's).
  • To satisfy an emphasis area requirement for a Bachelor of University Studies (BUS).
  • To satisfy leveling requirements for admittance to our graduate program in communicative disorders.

If you complete these courses, you may be eligible for licensure as an Assistant Speech-Language Pathologist (ASL)/Speech-Language Pathology Apprentice (SLPA). Requirements vary from state to state, and if you are interested in this option, please consult your state's Regulation and Licensing Board for exact requirements.

ENMU does not guarantee licensure from any state following the completion of our courses; it is your responsibility to know state licensing requirements and to work with your adviser to develop a course of study that meets the standards for bachelor's level practice.

Courses You'll Take

You can find additional information about the Bachelor of Science in Communicative Disorders degree, including the courses you will take when you're a CDIS major at Eastern.

View CDIS course rotations and suggested course of study >

CDIS Program ADA Compliance

Students, faculty, staff and clients of the communicative disorders program are treated equitably without regard to gender, sexual orientation, age, race, creed, national origin or disability. The institution and program comply with all applicable laws, regulations and executive orders.